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Monday, March 25, 2019

Bing Bada Boom Bing Bong Clock

We have focused on the concept of Time for the last unit of Light, Sound, and Time. I have learned so many new concepts. I was surprised to learn that time is relative, meaning that time can change depending on how close an object gets to the speed of light. For our FE, we went to the Alder Planetarium and understood why is is important to know the story of the universe. The class focused on the history of time telling devices, such has incense clocks, candle clocks, and hourglasses. I was inspired by my research on these devices to create my own time telling device, called The Bing Bong Clock. I was heavily inspired by church bell music that tells specific time, but I thought it is too loud. I liked how the candle clock alarmed at specific times, but it is very inaccurate. I took these to opposite qualities to make a good quality clock that I believe is better than those two devices. Here is a video explaining the importance of my invention!

Overall, this term was my favorite term at GCE so far. The concepts we learned in class related to the outside world so nicely. I am happy with how I was able to present my information in my video. I worked very hard in this AP! Although it was difficult to think of an original idea, I did and am proud of it.

"The Bing Bong Clock." Youtube. 25 Mar 2019.

History of Timekeeping Devices.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Feb. 2019,

Church Bell.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Mar. 2019,

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