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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Reckless Rashes

In my STEAM class named Cure, we learned different ways on how to treat illnessin everyday life. There are three basic ways on how to treat yourself- over the counter drugs, prescriptions, and remedies. I loved learning about the scientific way that drugs work in our body, and how effective it is to our bodies. I only go to the doctor when I am extremely sick, so it was interesting to learn about new home remedies that I can try on myself. Our class performed a lab in which we had a pill that closed off our sour tasting taste buds, so that sour foods tasted sweet. It was a mind blowing experience because I ate hot sauce with ease after I took the pill! And I can’t stand any spicy foods. This lab was to demonstrate how drugs work on our bodies. When you take in a drug, it's molecule fits into it's matching shaped receptor site, just like how a key matches it's lock. Biological events occur within the body, such as chemical reactions or nerve impulses. This mechanism is called "Lock and Key".

For our Action Project, we had to find an illness or symptom that appealed to us and research 3 treatments to make it better.  Then, we had to create a medicine box that sold the symptom and its remedies. Each treatment option had its drug facts and instruction on how to do it.

JMP, German Measles, (2018)
JMP, Codeine Phosphate, (2018)
JMP, Acetaminophen, (2018)
JMP, MMR Vaccine, (2018)
JMP, Chart, (2018)
JMP, Ingredients, (2018)
I loved this AP because I am very interested in graphic design and gathering ideas onto an organized platter. I tried very hard to make my box eye catching. Im very proud with the end product and my collected research. I learned useful information that’ll I use in my future!

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